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Learn and Burn
ART action plan

ART action plan

This is a working document to highlight and pinpoint what needs to be done , analysed and provided for the Art topics for the Primary school year. What is needed in one area, will also affect other aspects of the provision. It is helpful to coordinate that whole vision for the immediate future and ensure excellent provision of Art skills and concepts.
Mr and Mrs ART day

Mr and Mrs ART day

This is a lesson plan set for a day devoted to Art, in reception class. It is designed to involve parents and allow then to work with their children on a range of Art projects throughout the day. This is to provide a link between home and school, and to encourage parents to be involved with Art in the work family setting.
Care of ART resources

Care of ART resources

This A5 booklet can be printed out using your computer. Choose the print setting for double sided, booklet option. The pages should print out as a double sided booklet, in the correct order. Print the cover separately in card, and collate the booklet, bound by staples. The booklet can be used to support Inset training, or as a handbook for teachers.
ART curriculum maps 2015

ART curriculum maps 2015

These are three documents, that map out the scope and progression of Art study and practice in the Primary School. They are working documents, and so are subject to change and revision. They seek to cover all aspects of the subject, and the application should be flexible and creative...
Money containers

Money containers

Succinct planning, analysis sheet, DT design format, Analysis proforma and power point, to encourage and suggest some ideas as starting points for children to think about their own designs. This selection is mainly for purses of different sorts, but the concept could be widened out considerably. Encourage children to think for themselves, rather than produce something 'suitable' for a display...